Meath Yoga Classes
Our latest list of Yoga Teacher details are listed at Yoga Classes Meath
This is a complete listing of all yoga teachers and yoga classes in Meath County and Town.
Scroll Meath the tables below to find yoga classes and yoga teachers in your area of Meath.
Can’t find a yoga class in your area of Meath?
If you can’t find a yoga teacher in your own particular area, then best to email
and Dave will try to find out yoga classes closest to where you live.
Best to give as much information about yourself so Dave can find the best yoga class to suit you.
Please include such information as
- County where you live
- Area where you live
- Postal code
- Your age
- If you have any back, neck or knee injuries
- If you have any health condition
- Whether you are more interested in improving health, fitness, relaxation, spiritual or other
- Whether you have practiced before and what type of yoga
- Whether you are looking for a specific type of yoga
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Keeping Meath Yoga Teachers listings up to date
To see Yoga teachers in other counties please see Yoga Ireland
If you know of Meath yoga teachers which are not listed here, please let us know their name and contact details.
If you see any incorrect details listed, also please let us know so that we can keep our list of Yoga Teachers in Meath correct and up to date.
When you click on a teacher’s name, if it does not display their website, then we do not have this teacher’s website address.
When you click to Send Email to a teacher, if the email address is blank, then we do not have this teacher’s email address.
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List of Yoga teachers in County Meath
Area | Name | Qualifications | Types of Yoga | Phone | Website | |
Mary Leahy | YTI DIP | 086 8707609 | None | None | ||
Ashbourne | Mary Carey | YTI DIP | 087 2452970 | None | None | |
Castletown, Navan | Elizabeth Monaghan | 046 9053309 | None | None | ||
Dunboyne | Christine Manning | Vinyasa Flow, Hatha | 087 6880344 | None | None | |
Enfield | Moggie Douglas | Sivananada YTI | Hatha | 087 2355783 | | None |
Kells | Carolan, Lorraine | RYT 200 | Hatha | 087 2792985 | None | None |
Kells | Teresa Duggan | IHCA Tony Quinn | 086 8911647 | None | None | |
Kells | Mary Flood | Yoga Soc Irl, YTTC | Hatha | 087 6753027 | Send Email | None |
Kells | Anne Dixon | YTTC & Elbow Rm | Hatha, Meditation | 086 8856021 | Send Email | None |
Kells | Paula Flood | RYT 500 hours | Hatha, Prenatal | 087 2071530 | Send Email | Website |
Navan | Sarah Coleman | IHCA Tony Quinn | 086 4043132 | None | None | |
Navan | Mary Cromwell | 087 6113331 | Send Email | Website | ||
Rathoath | Tara O’Neill Mc Partlin | YTI DIP | 087 2167611 | None | None | |
Ratoath | Gráinne Ahearne | YTTC Diploma | Gentle and Flow | 087 3214027 | Send Email | None |
Ratoath | June Crawley | YTI DIP | 086 1002855 | None | None | |
Summerhill | Anna Knightly | YTI DIP | 087 9533824 | None | None | |
Sylvia Braun | 046 9053146 | None | None | |||
Trim | Marie Purcell Flynn | RYS 200 | Vinyasa flow | 087 2329006 | Send Email | Website |
Trim Navan Robinstown | Linda Barron | YTI DIP | Hatha Vinyasa Flow Kids | 087 2345956 | Send Email | None |
Trim | Peter Walsh | YTI Ireland | Hatha Yoga | 087 2406005 | Send Email | Website |
Trim/Navan | Carmel Finnegan | YTI DIP | Hatha & Mindfulness | 086 8162654 | Send Email | Website |
Sharon Dempsey | IHCA member | 8254256 and 086 8226180 | None | None | ||
Grainne Downey | Satyananda Yoga | Satyananda | 086 8046781 | None | None | |
Angie Farrell | IHCA member | 086 1072261 | None | None | ||
Annmarie Kennedy | IHCA member | 046 9028059 | None | None | ||
Margaret Kennedy | IHCA member | 087 9185151 | None | None | ||
Yogaboann Studio | Barbara Carolan | e-ryt 500 hour teach | Ashtanga, Hatha ,vin | 087 2842363 / 041 98 82017 | Send Email | Website |
Ashbourne | Claire Maguire | Ashtanga yoga, Vinya | 087 4185120 | Send Email | Website |