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 Ireland Retreat venue hire

 Retreat venue hire

We mainly run our own luxury yoga retreats since 1999.

Occasionally we hire out the centre to a yoga teacher wishing to bring their own group, or to an alternative wellness retreat, and extremely occasionally to someone looking for a venue hire for a very special occasion.

This wellness retreat venue hire is only available to someone with good references as we look after the energies very carefully.

This is a very beautiful Yoga Retreat Venue and is an exceptional luxury Venue for hire.

The most striking aspect of Burren Yoga Retreat

are the huge windows everywhere and the

“Light flooding each room”.

The decor is contemporary minimalist.

Breath taking views of the Burren hills

The new centre was completed in June 2021 and includes the following; 

We also have a range of budget bedrooms so you can enjoy the new centre in our lower priced renovated older bedrooms. 

Click any of the orange text above for more detail.

 Wellness Retreat Venue Hire

The Wellness Retreat Venue hire includes the use of both buildings, accommodation, meals and also guided outings.

If you are interested to Rent Retreat Venue, please contact Dave who founded the centre and his email is in the footer of this page.

The new retreat venue is 3 times the size of the original centre founded in 1999.  Yet we still only have a maximum of 18 guests.  So each person has over 3 times the space.

This wellness venue hire needs to be planned in advance.

The new building was designed using leading edge features including;

Enjoy the Luxury of the new State-of-the-Art retreat centre.

Louise lounging

The Burren Yoga Retreat

Retreat Highlights

Image running your own retreat here…  in one of Ireland’s most tranquil magical locations … The Burren

25 years running our retreats

Proven Results,  Trusted by Thousands

Happy Guests served over 25 years
Avg. 5 Star Reviews
Avg. 5 Star Reviews

For the past 12 years in row

What our guests say


This is a special retreat centre in a magical place The Burren where your group can CONNECT and REJUVENATE,


And get ready to bring the positivity into their own lives. 

One filled with joy, adventure, and the vibrant essence of you.


Starting Mullaghmore

 Rent Retreat Venue

This is a luxury retreat venue which we only occasionally rent out as a yoga retreat venue.

Yoga teacher Dave Brocklebank founded the yoga centre in 1999.   Dave’s vision was to provide the best quality yoga retreats with the best authentic exceptional yoga teachers so that people could bring the practices home with them.

The goal was to pass on the two most transformational practices “Yoga & Meditation” in a very enjoyable and nurturing environment.

This is a very exclusive wellness retreat venue hire.  The accommodation is extremely comfortable and the energies of the retreat centre are pristine. 

Group from the US in October 2024 with teacher Lindsey Dukes

Dave has worked tirelessly running the retreats for over 25 years, and at the same time having a hands-on and visionary approach to the planning and design of this new world class yoga retreat centre.

Dave’s love and passion come through in the attention to detail of the design and features of the new building, as well as the love and care of running each one of the retreats.

We are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of exceptional  yoga & meditation teachers, very talented chefs, lovely caring hosts and guides and you will experience this positive energy in many ways when you are here.

The uplifting atmosphere at Burren Yoga Retreat is talked about by everybody who has been here.

Contact Us

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This is essential  as our reply will contain links for further information, and these can often go to spam, unless you have added my email to your safe list.