Irish Yoga Association Teacher Training Course
What makes this course unique?
The Irish Yoga Association Teacher Training Course seeks to provide the opportunity to test the main philosophical premises, increasing awareness in all aspects of the individual so that Yoga can become a practical way of life rather than a practice to induce a state of mind that temporarily eases unwanted states of mind.
It aims to provide participants with the knowledge, skill and attitude to teach Yoga. The training explores classical and contemporary methods, in keeping with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Hathayogapradipika.
The IYA is the Irish Member of the European Union of Yoga (EUY) whose ethos is centred upon the maturity of the yoga teacher. The IYA Teacher Training Course is a four year part-time course (covering over 600 hours), during which participants are encouraged to teach after 2 years whilst having the support of their peers and Tutors.
The Course is fully comprehensive in that it deals with the physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual aspects of Yoga in recognition of Yoga as a tool for self development. Participants work continuously with two full-time Tutors over the four years, together with visiting guest Tutors.
The Course includes Asana, Pranayama, Kriya, Mudra, Bandha, Meditation, Philosophy, Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid, Teaching Practice, Class Planning, Yoga for Children, Yoga in Pregnancy and Yoga in the field of Mental Health.
The IYA holds a Child Protection Policy and a Health & Safety Statement.
By focusing on the integration of Yoga in a holistic way the IYA Teacher Training Course encourages the development of a mature Yoga teacher.
The Course aims to produce Yoga teachers who embody the principles of
Yoga philosophy in their lives and in their teaching: teachers who are able to teach Yoga in their own unique way and are capable of substantiating
their choice of techniques. Rather than produce teachers of Yoga, who, through training, have the ability to perform functions, the Association aims to develop Yoga teachers who, through education (“educere”: to draw out from within), use insight and reason.
The Course is accredited by the European Union of Yoga, enabling diploma holders to teach throughoutEurope.
For more comprehensive information or an application form see website or email