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Kildare Yoga Classes


Our latest list of Yoga Teacher details are listed at Yoga Classes Kildare
























This is a complete listing of all yoga teachers and yoga classes in Kildare County and Town.

Scroll Kildare the tables below to find yoga classes and yoga teachers in your area of Kildare.

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and Dave will try to find out yoga classes closest to where you live.

Best to give as much information about yourself so Dave can find the best yoga class to suit you.

Please include such information as

  • County where you live
  • Area where you live
  • Postal code
  • Your age
  • If you have any back, neck or knee injuries
  • If you have any health condition
  • Whether you are more interested in improving health, fitness, relaxation, spiritual or other
  • Whether you have practiced before and what type of yoga
  • Whether you are looking for a specific type of yoga

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Keeping Kildare Yoga Teachers listings up to date

To see Yoga teachers in other counties please see Yoga Ireland

If you know of Kildare yoga teachers which are not listed here, please let us know their name and contact details.

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List of Yoga teachers in County Kildare


Area Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Athy Adela Hernandez Garcia YTI DIP 086 8717573 None None
Blessington Deborah Browne IHCA member 087 8156055 None None
Celbridge Jean O’Mara YTI DIP & Post Grad Hatha Preg Kids 087 9454871 Send Email None
Celbridge Sonya Harnett-YOGA-Essence YTI Dip Hatha, Pregnancy, Post natal 086 8474944 Send Email Website
Clane Rosemarie Bryson Inner yoga dip Hatha 087 6537581 Send Email None
Clane Ger Aherne Hatha, Prenatal,Chil 085 7758858 Send Email None
Clane Elaine Parker YTI DIP Hatha mixed abaility 087 9139602 Send Email None
Clane Geraldine Kinane Forrest Certified, YTI Dip Forrest Yoga, Hatha, Pregnancy 045 893755 Send Email Website
Clane Teresa McGauran YTI DIP 085 118 9399 None None
Kilcullen Deborah Browne IHCA member 087 8156 055 None None
Kildare Katrina McLoughlin BWY Dip UK ’06, Asht Ashtanga, Hatha, Pre 045 854778 Send Email None
Clane, Rathcoffey, Maynooth Laura Wynne YTI Dip RYT-500 Hatha, Restorative & pregnancy 086 8539848 Send Email Website
Leixlip Paul Whelan Senior Teacher Yoga Alliance Ashtanga, Hatha, Chant & Meditation 086 8111070 Send Email Website
Leixlip Annmarie Hynes Hatha Yoga, remedial 087 2853647 Send Email Website
Leixlip Kevin O Loughlin Hatha Yoga 087 2853647 Send Email Website
Leixlip Elma Toland IYA Teachers Dip, YT Hatha, Therapeutic A 01 6244354 Send Email Website
Leixlip Breda Tallon IYA Dip 01 6242842 Send Email None
Leixlip/Kilcock Bennery Rickard YTI DIP 086 3891705 None None
Maynoooth Louise Toomey YTI DIP 01 6289201 None None
Maynoooth Anne Marie Kennedy RYT200; Yoga Golfers® Yoga for Golfers® 086 3793991 Send Email Website
Maynooth Anna Cullen IYA Dip Hatha 01 6289915 None None
Maynooth Edith Fagon 01 6289110 None None
Maynooth Rose Dillane YTI DIP 086 8678125 None None
Maynooth Anja Kruger YTI DIP 087 2102010 None None
Maynooth Eileen O’Rourke YTI DIP 01 628 9211 None None
Maynooth, Kilcock, D Paula Mitten YTTC Dubling& Yoga A Ashtanga, Hatha, Pre 086 3642489 Send Email None
Maynooth, Kilcock Emma Guinan RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Hatha Vinyasa flow Gentle 087 6727873 Send Email Website
Maynooth, Kilcock Maria Pramaggiore E-RYT 500, RYT-200 hatha, advanced, antenatal, meditation 0862685207 Send Email Website
Naas Jana Poslusna IHCA Hatha & Raja Yoga 086 8970774 Send Email Website
Naas Paul Whelan Senior Teacher Yoga Alliance Ashtanga, Hatha, Chant & Meditation 086 8111070 Send Email Website
Naas Maria Benndorf YTI DIP 045 869068 None None
Naas Paul Bracken IHCA Tony Quinn, Pil 086 3446411 Send Email Website
Naas Deborah Browne IHCA member 087 8156055 None None
Naas Mary Whelan KRI – Kundalini Kundalini Yoga 087 2161721 Send Email None
Naas Sara Tucker Dip. YTTC Hatha Yoga hatha yoga, yoga for 087 6317410 Send Email None
Naas Ann Macken Ashtanga yoga 086 8330303 None None
Naas Pascale McSharry YTI DIP 087 2581719 None None
Nassa Mary Cambell YTI DIP 086 8250802 None None
Newbridge Noel Dalton IYA Dip Mixed Ability 087 2629512 Send Email None
Newbridge Sara Morrissey Hatha / Iyengar 087 6317410 Send Email None
Newbridge Sara Tucker Dip. YTTC Hatha Yoga hatha yoga, yoga for 087 6317410 Send Email None
Newbridge Life Flow Centre Susan Clohosey Dip. YTI Hatha Yoga hatha yoga 087 6972679 Send Email None
Straffan Patricia Farrell YTI DIP 086 0717384 None None
Straffan Patricia O’Connor YTI DIP 086 0717384 None None
Sylvia Albicker IYA Dip Beginners 045 841978 Send Email None
Gay Blake IYA Dip Mixed Ability 045 868886 None None
Eilish Boyle County rep IYA 064 39516 None None
Margaret Browne IHCA member 045 867139 None None
Colleen Burke Mixed Ability 045 484313 None None
Denise Crowley IYA Dip Mixed Ability 086 8065876 None None
Naas Gillian Murdiff IYA Dip Dru UK General Pregnancy Mum-baby 087 2727361 Send Email Pending
Delourde Scallan IHCA member 045 876535 or 086 8387781 None None
Katherine Smits IYA Dip Somatic Yin Restorative 0851196555 Send Email Pending
Paul Whelan Iyengar Level I, Dub Ashtanga, pranayama, 086 8111070 / 045 871730 Send Email Website