Galway Yoga Classes
Our latest list of Yoga Teacher details are listed at Galway Yoga Classes
This is a complete listing of all yoga teachers and yoga classes in Galway County and City.
Scroll down the tables below to find yoga classes and yoga teachers in your area of Galway.
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and Dave will try to find out yoga classes closest to where you live.
Best to give as much information about yourself so Dave can find the best yoga class to suit you.
Please include such information as
- County where you live
- Area where you live
- Postal code
- Your age
- If you have any back, neck or knee injuries
- If you have any health condition
- Whether you are more interested in improving health, fitness, relaxation, spiritual or other
- Whether you have practiced before and what type of yoga
- Whether you are looking for a specific type of yoga
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Keeping Galway Yoga Teachers listings up to date
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List of Yoga teachers in County Galway
Area | Name | Qualifications | Types of Yoga | Phone | Website | |
Kinvara | Dave Brocklebank | Satyananda Yoga Galw | Ashtanga, Hatha, Sat | 091 637680 | Send Email | Website |
ClareGalway/Kinvara/Oranmore | Grainne O’Malley | YogaWorks | Hot yoga, Hatha, Seniors, Vinyasa flow | 087 923 4669 | Send Email | None |
Carraroe | Pauleen Harnett | YTI DIP | 087 6984187 | Send Email | None | |
Barna | Murphy, Carol | E-RYT 200 | Iyengar Yoga | None | None | |
City | Aisling Battersby | Shivananda | Hatha, Pregnancy, Kids | 087 6722395 | Send Email | Website |
City | Bridie Hogan | Satyananda Yoga | 091 584714 – 087 9622 236 | None | None | |
City | Darkstar Phillips | Satyananda Yoga | 085 1531048 | None | None | |
City | Keri*Ann | 200hrs Vinyasa/Hatha | Hatha, Gentle, Senio | 086 3552373 | Send Email | Website |
City | Ilona WIELOSIK | Satyananda Teacher T | Satyananda, General, | 085 7667225 | Send Email | None |
Clifden | Aoife Lydon | IYA Dip & Post Grad | Hatha, Pregnancy, Ge | 086 8421400 | Send Email | None |
Dublin Road | Michelle Fawl | Satyananda Yoga | O87 7836167 | None | None | |
Galway City & County | Cristina Galvin | 500hrs Senior Iyenga | Ashtanga, Iyengar, H | 087 3140274 | Send Email | None |
Galway/Clare | Gwen Mc Hale | Sivananda yoga – ker | Hatha, Gentle, yoga | 087 9958028 | Send Email | None |
Glenamaddy | Teresa Ratery | Satyananda Yoga | 087 3129011 | None | None | |
Headford | Niamh Jones | Bikram Hatha Yoga L. | Ashtanga, Bikram, Dy | 087 9031784 | Send Email | Website |
Kinvara | Amanda Horan | Satyananda Yoga | 091 638291 – 087 7698 558 | None | None | |
Letterfrack / Clifton | Susan Gray | Satyananda Yoga | Satyananda Yoga | 086 2771819 | Send Email | None |
Moycullen | Sandra Hallinan Bhakti | Satyananda Yoga | 087 2173969 | None | None | |
Oughterard | Caitriona Kilgarif | Satyananda Yoga | 087 2113764 | None | None | |
Renmore | Fidelma Sheridan | YTTC ’07 | Hatha, Childrens | 086 3790855 | Send Email | None |
Roscam | Penny Jones | Sivananda training ‘ | Pregnancy, General, | 086 8589800 | Send Email | Website |
The Yoga Shala | David & Larragh Cunningham | E-RYT 200 | Vinyasa Flow Yoga | 085 1573153 | Send Email | Website |
Brown, Fiona | RYT 200 | Vinyasa | None | None | ||
Trish Connolly | Satyananda Yoga | 091 528675 – 086 3964 073 | None | None | ||
Jimmy Fitzgerald | Satyananda Yoga | 087 7572345 | None | None | ||
Mairead Mahon | Satyananda Yoga | 01 6242842 | None | None | ||
Gort/Kinvara/Oranmore | Martina McGee | IYA Dip | Beginners Mixed Experienced | 086 3527562 | Send Email | None |
Christophe Mouze | Iyengar, Astanga | 087 2504845 | None | None | ||
Julie & Prabhu | Satyananda Yoga | 091 849512 | None | None |