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Yoga Dublin


Our latest list of Yoga Teacher details are listed at Yoga Classes Dublin




















This is a complete listing of Yoga Dublin; all yoga teachers and yoga classes in Dublin County and city.

Scroll down the Yoga-Dublin tables below to find yoga classes and yoga teachers in your area of Dublin.

Can’t find a yoga class in your area of Yoga Dublin?

If you can’t find a yoga teacher in your own particular Yoga Dublin area, then best to email
and Dave will try to find out yoga classes closest to where you live.

Best to give as much information about yourself so Dave can find the best yoga class to suit you.

Please include such information as

      • County where you live
      • Area where you live
      • Postal code
      • Your age
      • If you have any back, neck or knee injuries
      • If you have any health condition
      • Whether you are more interested in improving health, fitness, relaxation, spiritual or other
      • Whether you have practiced before and what type of yoga
      • Whether you are looking for a specific type of yoga

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Keeping Dublin Yoga Teachers listings up to date

To see Yoga teachers in other counties please see Yoga Ireland

If you know of Dublin yoga teachers which are not listed here, please let us know their name and contact details, to keep this Yoga Dublin list complete.

If you see any incorrect details listed, also please let us know so that we can keep our list of Yoga Teachers in Dublin correct and up to date.

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If you are a teacher and your details are missing please search for your name in case it is listed in the wrong area… and let us know of any corrections needed.

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Yoga South Dublin

Dublin 2 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin City Centre, Templebar, Georges Street, Camden Street, St Stephen’s Green areas


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Astrid Sasse Sivananda;RYT 500 Sivananda 085 7188643 Send Email Website
Alison Barry Perinatal Yoga 085 7565039 Send Email Website
Matthew Quigley YTT 200 YTT 500 Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative None Send Email Website
Inna Byrne RYT 200 Ashtanga Vinyasa and 086 8481434 Send Email None
Hannah Carpenter Esoteric Yoga 085 1084941 /085 1084940 None None
Sorcha Carrol Iyengar 087 7772289 Send Email Website
Ruth Carson YTTC Teaching Diplom Hatha, General, Basi 085 7234 310 None None
Paul Clancy Ashtanga, Vinyasa Fl 087 6785898 Send Email Website
Dave Curtis E-RYT 200 Vinyasa flow and ash None Send Email Website
Anne Dempsey Vinyasa flow 086 3033794 None None
Allyson Dowling Pre-natal yoga, Hath 087 4128288 Send Email None
Antoinette Doyle YTI post grad Hatha 086 0631553 Send Email None
Carol Gomez Dip from Orleans,Fra Hatha, Pregnancy 087 2668727 Send Email None
Carolina Gomez Sivananda Yoga Dip-S Ashtanga, Hatha, Gen None Send Email None
Aisling Guirke Iyengar yoga 087 2891664 01 6798786 Send Email None
Lou Horgan Hatha all levels, pr 087 7471127 Send Email Website
Kathryn Keenan IYA Mixed Ability 01 6271157 882154901 None None
Alex Kreis Shadow yoga 087 9690160 Send Email None
Margaret Macken Iyengar Iyengar 01 8332954 Send Email None
Catriona Mc Cormack YTTC Hatha Flow Yoga & Therapy 087 6811240 Send Email Website
Christina Mc Loughlin IHCA Tony Quinn 087 6618679 None None
Grainne McLaughlin Satyananda Yoga, Pre 086 8518321 Send Email Website
Claire McManus Yoga Therapy Hatha None None None
Deirdre Murphy Hatha, Vinyasa flow 085 1595751 Send Email None
Ann Marie O’Connell Hatha Yoga, Level I Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 7903859 Send Email Website
Muireann O’Keeffe YTTC Dip Level 1 Hatha, Gentle 086 2064372 Send Email None
Suzanne O’Sullivan Vinyasa 086 1728850 None Website
Heidi Paffrath Ashtanga 087 6520450 Send Email None
Cathy Peason Viniaysa flow 086 2663377 Send Email None
Orla Punch Senior Level Iyengar Iyengar, Pilates 087 9340839 Send Email Website
Sonya Radvila Ashtanga yoga, Mysor 087 2181287 Send Email Website
YOGARANI Sheilagh-Dunn Godfrey Devereux’s F Ashtanga, Iyengar, H 01 4977213 Send Email Pending
Cara Sorthern Hatha Yoga Flow 086 8536568 Send Email None
Cara Sothern YTTC Level 1 Hatha Y Hatha, General, i us 086 8536568 Send Email None
Keith Tracey Ashtanga and vinyasa 087 9534043 Send Email Website
Greg Walsh Iyengar 087 1353095 Send Email Website
Pam Ward YTTC ’05 Pearse Coll Hatha, Hatha flow yo 086 1677237 Send Email None
Caoimhe Whelan YTTC Wales ’07, accr Satyananda, pregnanc 086 3397671 Send Email Website
Animesha Satyananda Yoga 086 3397671 None None
Elaine Costello Iyengar beginners 087 6811240 Send Email None
Rukhsana Kauser YTI DIP 086 178 8407 None None
Nikki Cousins Yoga Alliance 200hou Ashtanga, Vinyasa fl 086 1712875 Send Email Website
James Madden Kundalini Internatio Kundalini 086 8193075 Send Email Website

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 Dublin 4 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin Donnybrook, Ballsbridge, Irishtown, Merrion Road, Pembroke, Ringsend, Sandymount
yoga room dublin
Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Kanta Barrios E-RYT 500, Anusara Anusara, Hatha, Vinyasa 087 2614763 Send Email
Suzanne Brennan Ashtanga Yoga Mysore None Send Email Website
Aisling Conn RYT200 Ashtanga Viyasa flow 0879187664 Send Email None
Ciara Cronin Various styles, inc. 01 2196666 Send Email Website
Sylvia Ferguson YTI DIP Hatha Ashtanga Pre 087 6822362 Send Email Website
Darryl Gibney Ashtanga 085 7558203 Send Email None
Lesley Hughes YTI DIP 087 6383736 None None
Anto Kearney Ashtanga 01 4907591 Send Email None
Mari Kennedy Hatha and Hatha flow 087 9150264 Send Email Website
Veronica Larsson E-RYT 500 Multi style, Ashtang 085 7167631 Send Email None
Pauline Mc Carthy Hatha, Ashtanga and 087 643 2205 Send Email Website
Anne O’Loughlin-Finucane British Wheel of Yog Vini 087 2888542 Send Email Website
Heidi Paffrath Ashtanga 087 652 0450 Send Email None
Lisa Petersen Donna Farhi, Prenatal Hatha yoga & Therapy 085 7376076 Send Email Website
Brian Potts Astanga & Iyengar al 087 4159146 Send Email None
Sharon Ryan Pembroke Road, Dubl 085 1491966 Send Email None
Deirdre Graham Yoga Alliance Vinyasa Hatha Kids 087 9084003 Send Email None
Pia Sala 01 668 2998 None None
Helen Sherlock Vinyasa flow and Hat 087 7911837 Send Email Website
Karen Ward Hatha flow Yoga 01 6687022 None None
Michael Ryan 200 RYT in Vinyasa F Ashtanga, Hatha, Dyn 086 0890833 Send Email Website
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Dublin 6 Yoga classes

Yoga Ranelagh
Yoga classes in Dublin Harold’s Cross, Miltown, Templeogue, Terenure, Rathmines, Rathgar, Ranelagh, Darty
Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Hazel Branagan Yoga Alliance Vinyasa Flow yoga 087 2733098 Send Email Website
Dee Hughes 500hr YTT, AntiGravity Hatha Vinyasa, Hot yoga 085 2445030 Send Email None
Malachy B IYA Dip Beg/Intermediate 087 2345441 Send Email None
Marta Bunikowska Viniyoga None Send Email Website
Emma Burke-Kennedy Vinyasa Flow 1 yr Da Vinyasa flow 086 8411216 Send Email None
Theresa Czerniak Shadow yoga 085 7260462 Send Email Website
Luna Dolezal Integrative Yoga The Hatha 086 2354210 Send Email Website
Peter Duffy hatha and iyengar, 01 4553530 / 086-3759317 Send Email None
Olwyn Kearns Vinyasa Flow, Ashtan 01 4929394 Send Email Website
Moira O’Broin Viniyoga (relaxation 01 4937511 / 087 2029363 Send Email None
Mary Phelan Iyengar 087 2720403 Send Email Website
Sonya Radvila Ashtanga yoga, Mysor 087 2181287 Send Email None
Yvonne Sherry IHCA member 086 8383347 None None
Moira O’Broin 01 4937511 None None
Kanta Barrios E-RYT 500, Anusara Anusara, Hatha, Vinyasa 087 2614763 Send Email none
Paola Catizone IYA Dip All levels 01 4400449 /086 3596824 Send Email None
Jo O’Rourke YTI DIP 086 7947094 None None
Sarah O’Connor Hatha and Pregnacy Y 087 9119840 None None
Simona Zaino RYT 200 Sivananda None Send Email None
Sylvia Ferguson YTI DIP Hatha Ashtanga Pre 087 6822362 Send Email Website
Patricia Crimin YTI Dip Hatha, Childrens Cla 01 4901309 Send Email None
Helena Downey YTI DIP 087 6561411 None None
Jennifer Mullins TYI DIP 01 4909790 None None

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Dublin 8 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin Sth Cir Rd, Inchicore, Dolphin’s Barn, Kilmainham, Portobello, Merchant’s Quay, The Coombe
Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
David Scullion Ashtanga 200hr Ashtanga, Hatha, Meditation 087 2614763 Send Email None
Kanta Barrios Anusara Inspired. Yo Ashtanga, Hatha, Gen 087 2614763 Send Email none
Paola Catizone Yoga, Movement and R 086 3596824 / 01 4400449 Send Email none
Adrienne Crowe IYA Dip ’02 Hatha Yoga for the A 01 4539971; 086 8707282 Send Email Website
Liagh Miller 200 YTT & 500 YTT Hatha, Vinyasa Adaptive 087 1231273 Send Email Website
David Dennis YTI DIP 086 3885010 None None
Jennifer Keegan Dynamic Yoga 01 453 7386 / 087 2853029 Send Email None
Theresa Lee Iyengar 087 6721621 Send Email None
Anne L’Hénoret Classical Hatha for 087 9545777 Send Email Website
Candy Siu Hatha Yoga 086 8441461 Send Email None
Tara Travers 087 6984763 None None

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Dublin 10 and Dublin 12 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin Ballyfermot, Bluebell, Crumlin, Drimnagh, Walkinstown


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Amanda Concannon YTI DIP 086 3301921 None None
Carmel Farnan IHCA member 084 39891 / 086 8122043 None None
Rachel Gaffey YTI DIP 086 845 3864 None None
Aisling Guirke Intermediate Iyengar 087 2891664 Send Email None
Catherine Mc Nally YTI DIP 087 2071530 None None
Berni Thompson Intermediate Level 3 Iyengar, Pregnancy 085 1339723 Send Email None
Keith Tracey YTI DIP 087 9534043 None None
Therese Aherne IYA Dip All levels 01 2868670 Send Email None
Deirdre Graham Yoga Alliance Vinyasa Hatha Kids 087 9084003 Send Email None

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Dublin 14 Yoga classes

Yoga Dundrum
Yoga classes in Dublin Churchtown, Dundrum, Goatstown, Roebuck, Windy Arbour, Clonskeagh


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Mags Boylan IYA Dip Beg/Intermediate/Adv 01 2988691 Send Email None
Dee Hughes 500hr YTT, AntiGravity Hatha Vinyasa, Hot yoga 085 2445030 Send Email None
Velma Burns YTI DIP 086 8523792 None None
Ena Coleman YTI DIP 086 8285324 None None
Anne Delaney YTI DIP 01 2960052 None None
Sylvia Ferguson YTI DIP Hatha Ashtanga Pre 087 6822362 Send Email Website
Sharon Gleeson Iyengar Iyengar 087 2482884 Send Email None
Geraldine Hughes-Byrne IHCA member 026 00403 and 086 4058820 None None
Marguerite Lyster Iyengar yoga None Send Email None
Premilla Maharaj IYA Dip All levels 01 2962608 / 087 7751886 Send Email None
Helena MC Elroy YTI DIP 086 1652436 None None
Helen Morrow YTI DIP 01 2981663 None None
Madeline Page IHCA member 049 38005 None None
Michelle Piazza Ashtanga 087 2666372 Send Email None
Val Stanley IYA Mixed Ability 049 43288 None None
Colm Walsh Astanga / Iyengar, P 01 2980300 Send Email Website
Monique Walsh IYA Dip & Post Grad Hatha & Chair yoga 087 9033762 – 01 4934672 Send Email None
Caoimhe Whelan YTTC Wales ’07, accr Pregnancy yoga 086 3397671 Send Email Website
Paul Bracken 086 3446411 None None
Aileen Gannon IYA Dip Mixed Ability 087 9984397 Send Email None

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Dublin 16 Yoga classes

yoga dublin studios
Yoga classes in Dublin Ballinteer, Ballyboden, Knocklyon, Sandyford


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Margaret Browne IHCA Tony Quinn 01 4938005 None None
Dee Hughes 500hr YTT, AntiGravity Hatha Vinyasa, Hot yoga 085 2445030 Send Email None
Lisa Burke YTTC Dip’05 Kundalini & Hatha 086 1723399 Send Email None
Jim Fitzharris YTI DIP 086 8090525 None None
Saffron Hennigan Pregnancy Yoga 087 9912945 None None
Mandy Jackson IHCA Tony Quinn 01 4941212 / 086 8099203 None None
Antoinette Yasuoka RYT 200 Vinyassa, Hatha, Pregnancy 087 2935942 Send Email Website
Marie Angeline Lascaux Yoga for Pregnancy & None Send Email None
Madeline Page IHCA member 049 38005 None None
Jane Cassidy YTI DIP Hatha, mixed ability 087 8299926 Send Email None
Monique Walsh IYA Dip & Post Grad Hatha & Chair yoga 087 9033762 – 01 4934672 Send Email None
Sylvia Ferguson YTI DIP Hatha Ashtanga Pre 087 6822362 Send Email Website

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Dublin 18 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin Cabinteely, Carrickmines, Foxrock, Kilternan, Sandyford, Ticknock, Ballyedmonduff, Stepaside, Leopardstown


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Conn, Aisling RYT 200 Vinyasa Flow Yoga None Send Email None
Ciara Kavanagh Ashtanga yoga, pre & 087 4174367 Send Email None
Aisling Conn RYT200 Ashtanga Viyasa flow 0879187664 Send Email None
Yvonne Treacy Vinyasa flow / Ashtanga 086 3150010 Send Email None
Marie-Angeline Lascaux YTTC Newry ’98, Aura Hatha, Pregnancy, Ge 086 8242033 Send Email none
Geraldine B. Mansori YTI DIP 086 2954468 None None
Fiona Mc Bennett Hatha Flow 087 9058439 Send Email None
Eike Treanor Ashtanga, Kids & Pre 086 8215775 Send Email Website
Judi Wyley YTI DIP 086 8191940 None None

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Dublin 20 and Dublin 22 and Dublin 24 Yoga classes

Yoga classes in Dublin Chapelizod, Palmerstown, Bawnogue, Clondalkin, Neilstown, Firhouse, Jobstown, Kilnamanagh, Oldbawn, Tallaght, Lucan


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Oksana Burke VinyasaYoga, ChairYoga, Beginners 500hours RYS 087 6362161 Send Email None
Catherine Rooney Satyananda yoga Satyananda yoga 01 8204101 None None
Anna Teague YTI Dip, RYS 500 Hatha, Special child 086 3892574 Send Email None
Iwona Kaczor IYA Dip Beginners. Classes i 086 8458009 Send Email None
Caitriona Leavey YTI Dip ’06 Hatha, Yoga for Tee 087 8199954 Send Email None
Mary Tynan 01 4593621 None None
Sibylle Dallmann Hatha & Yin-Yang Yog 087 1205985 Send Email None
Maria Gavin IHCA Tony Quinn 01 4590091 / 087 9910161 None None
Kevin O Loughlin YTI DIP 01 4526265 None None
Madeline Page IHCA member 049 38005 None None
Mary Stammers 087 6182854 None None
Maebh Thornton IHCA member 086 8557179 None None
Madeline Page IHCA member 049 38005 None None
Elaine Glennon YTTC Dublin ’10, YTI Pregnancy, General, 085 7412865 Send Email Website

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yoga Dun Laoghaire

South County Dublin Yoga classes

Yoga classes in South Dublin County Dalkey, Dun Laoghaire, Killiney, Stillorgan, Blackrock, Sandycove, Shankill, Glenageary, Glasthule, Monkstown,  Sandymount, Booterstown


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Caitriona Boyle IYA Dip Beg/Mixed Ability 01 4950390 Send Email None
Suzanne Brennan Ashtanga Yoga Mysore 087 2780559 Send Email None
Frank Brooks Hatha (with an Anusa 087 415.8989 Send Email None
Annette Cahill Iyengar introductory Iyengar 087 9756004 Send Email None
Ann Marie Carney Yoga for pregnancy, 087 6956707 Send Email None
Lucy Cullen Hatha, Yoga for preg 086 6888298 Send Email None
Eleanor Dawson Viniyoga for young p 085 8416800 Send Email None
Diana Delia Hatha Yoga, Children None Send Email None
Lara Dunlea YogaWorks YTI RCYP Hatha Preg Baby Kids 087 8244728 Send Email None
Sally Dunne YTI DIP 087 2220749 None None
Sharon Gleeson Iyengar Iyengar 087 2482884 Send Email None
Aisling Forkin Ashtanga, Pre and Po 086 7714811 None None
Sandra Gavilan Kundalini yoga, 085 1518671 None None
Grainne Gillece Junior & Senior Leve Iyengar 087 6821634 Send Email None
Hanne Gillespie Viniyoga 01 2889012 Send Email Website
Sharon Gleeson YTI DIP 01 283 3548 None None
Heidi Haenschke Comtemporary Yoga Di Ashtanga, Hatha, Gen 087 232 2481 Send Email Website
Una Kilroy Hatha 085 7276829 None None
Suzanne Linfield Classical Hatha 087 2771428 Send Email None
Jean McDonald IYA Dip Mixed Ability, Speci 01 2722317 Send Email None
Sighle McDonnell Comtemporary Yoga, 085 7265827 Send Email None
Zana McKenna Hatha, Vini, Scarave 087 9481548 Send Email Website
Grainne McLaughlin Pregnancy yoga 086 8518321 Send Email Website
Bernadette Mullett YTI DIP 087 6739165 None None
Aoife Murdock Vinyasa flow, Yin Ya 086 8166018 Send Email None
Fiona Murdock Hatha, Prenatal yoga 086 8566012 None None
Deirdre Murphy Hatha, Vinyasa flow 085 1595751 Send Email None
Aisling Conn RYT200 Ashtanga Viyasa flow 0879187664 Send Email None
Patricia Murphy Hatha Yoga with flow 01 2950284 Send Email None
Adrienne Ni-Cheallaigh Cert in Yoga studies Hatha, Satyananda, P 087 9512730 Send Email None
Ann Marie O’Connell Hatha Yoga, Level I Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 7903859 Send Email Website
Dee O’ Rourke Beginners, Hatha, As 086 4000851 . Send Email Website
Paula O’Shaughnessy YTI Dip & Viniyoga Viniyoga 086 3428132 Send Email Website
Kathleen O’Shea YTI DIP None Send Email None
Suzanne O’Sullivan Ashtanga & Vinyasa 086 1728850 None Website
Lisa Petersen Donna Farhi, Prenatal Hatha yoga & Therapy 085 7376076 Send Email Website
Roisi Phelan Viniyoga 01 2782616 Send Email None
Barbara Rocks IYA Dip Beginners, Continuat 087 7528337 Send Email None
Kay Scorah Hatha Yoga 01 6602992 Send Email None
Dani Sheil RYT 200 Vinyasa yoga & Child 086 8122847 Send Email None
Carolyn Synnott Hatha, Vini, Scarave 087 9481548 Send Email Website
Yvonne Treacy Vinyasa flow / Ashtanga 086 3150010 Send Email None
Michele Van Valey Vinyasa Flow, Pregna 087 1207695 None None
Connie Walsh Vini Yoga YTI DIP Cancer Conscious Viniyoga 086 179 0303 Send Email None
Ruth Walshe Iyengar 086-8445676 Send Email None
Danielle and Emma Ashtanga 087.6922309 / 087.1816605 None None
Christine Barry IYA Dip Beg/Mixed Ability 01 2850095 Send Email None
Miriam Brady IYA Dip Iyengar Dip Hatha yoga all levels 087 6545631 Send Email None
Susan Porter IYA Dip Hatha yoga Somatics for pain 087 6326538 Send Email None
David Collins IYA Dip, authorised All levels 087 2376383 Send Email Website
Caragh Egan YTTC Dip, Sivananda Hatha, Pregnancy, Ba 087 9877552 Send Email Website
Paula Herbert IYA Dip, authorised All levels 087 8399338 Send Email Website
Marianne Holland IYA Dip Beg./Cont. 01 2858891 None None
Aoife Macnamara YTI DIP 087 9317922 None None
Deirdre Wigglesworth YTI DIP 01 2842478 None None
Sorcha Duggan YTI DIP 087 9475220 None None
Vicky Mc Keon YTI DIP 086 3999220 None None
Paula O’ Shaughnessy YTI DIP 01 2851366 None None
Paula O’Shaughnessy YTI Dip & Viniyoga Viniyoga 086 3428132 Send Email Website
Jan duffy YTI DIP 086 8395732 None None
Maureen Nightingale IYA Dip, Cert in Yog Hatha 01 2857963 Send Email None
Marianne Jacuzzi E-RYT 500 YA_USA Vinyasa, Raja, Jnana 087 9203600 Send Email Website
Claudia Gutierrez YTTC Dublin Argent Vinyasa flow Hatha 085 7637981 Send Email Website
Susan Porter IYA Dip Beg/Cont. 087 6326538 Send Email None
Cathy Dillon YTI DIP 086 8974228 None None
Marlene ffrench Mullen IYA 01 2819990 None None
Cindy Ireland YTI DIP 086 2414030 None None
Gayle Kelly YTTC Dip Dub ’05,Yog Hatha, Yogabuddies ( 086 4032697 Send Email None
Saffron Kirwan Pregnancy yoga 087 9912945 Send Email None
Anna Teague YTI Dip, 2yr course Hatha, General, Basi 086 3892574 Send Email None
Judi Wyley YTI DIP 086 8191940 None None
Alison Flynn IHCA member None None None
Pat Marchant YTI Grad & Post Grad Hatha 01 4942408 Send Email None
Jean O’Mara YTI DIP & Post Grad Hatha Preg Kids 087 9454871 Send Email None

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Northside Dublin Yoga Classes

North Dublin Yoga


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Dublin 1 Yoga classes

Dublin city centre yoga
Dublin Yoga classes in City Centre Dublin 1 Abbey Street, Capel Street, Dorset Street, Parnell Square, Talbot street


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Ruth Carson YTTC Teaching Diplom Hatha, General, Basi 085 7234310 None None
Paola Catizone Yoga and movement 086 3596824 Send Email None
Laura Macken Vinyasa 01 8780558 Send Email None
Ann Marie O’Connell Hatha Yoga, Level I Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 7903859 Send Email Website

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Dublin 3 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin  Ballybough, Clonliffe, Clontarf, Dollymount, East Wall, Fairview, Marino


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Mary Fanning YTI DIP 01 8371263 None None
Aisling Guirke Iyengar 087 2891664 Send Email None
Suzy Lawlor IHCA member 083 34387 None None
Grainne Martin Bikram Yoga 01 8573790 None None
Edie Moran IYA Dip ’97 Dublin Ashtanga, Hatha, Gen 086 8217862 Send Email None
Bernard Murphy IHCA Tony Quinn 01 8331917 None None
Neasa Ní Aileagáin Hatha, Prenatal 087 6166524 , Send Email Website
Christine Schnell RYT 200 Hatha None None Website
Maria Wilde Hatha Yoga, Prenatal 086 1279394 Send Email None
Helen Keane E-YRT 200 & 500hrs Hatha 085 1369060 Send Email Website
Ann Marie O’Connell Hatha Yoga, Level I Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 7903859 Send Email Website
Helen Reidy IYA Dip All levels 087 7921847 None None
Margaret Macken Iyengar Iyengar 01 8332954 Send Email None

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Dublin 5 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin  Artane, Harmonstown, Raheny


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Deirdre Murphy Hatha Pregnancy Yoga 087 9621738 Send Email None
Alan Pelly IHCA member 084 76440 None None
Denise Vanhoutte IHCA Tony Quinn 085 7162789 None None
Crowley, Gemma RYT 200 Hatha 086 0562373 None None
Ann Marie O’Connell Hatha Yoga, Level I Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 7903859 Send Email Website
Alyson Mc Evoy Satyananda Satyananda Yoga Nidra 085 1410750 Send Email None

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Dublin 7 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin  Arbour Hill, Cabra, Phibsboro, Four Courts


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Margaret Cashman Iyengar all levels 086 8031885 Send Email None
Dee Hughes 500hr YTT, AntiGravity Hatha Vinyasa, Hot yoga 085 2445030 Send Email None
Jackie Malcolm Iyengar 087 9028346 Send Email None
Fiona Moloney Yoga Alliance Dublin Ashtanga, Hatha, Gen 085 8147402 Send Email Website
Andrea Boudin 200hr Ashtanga ’06 D Ashtanga, Hatha, Hot 087 1353986 Send Email Website
Riana Walsh IYA Dip Beg/Continuation 087 2319749 Send Email None

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Dublin 9 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin Beaumont, Drumcondra, Ekm Mont, Griffith Avenue, Santry, Whitehall


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Lorraine Brady IHCA member 01 8348706 None None
Joan Gleeson IHCA Tony Quinn 01 8307885 / 086 8631689 None None
Dara Behan (nee Moylan) IHCA Dip Hatha & Ashtanga 087 6212131 Send Email Website
Aideen OBrien YTTC Dip Hatha 087 2023385 None None
Jana Poslusna IHCA Tony Quinn 01 8348705 None None
Dara Moylan 087 6212131 None None
Helen Sherlock IHCA Dip ’95, TCD Ma Ashtanga, Hatha, Vin 087 7911837 Send Email Website

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Dublin 11 and Dublin 13 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin Ballygal, Cappagh, Cremore, Dubber, Finglas, Jamestown, Kilshane, Wadelai, Baily, Baldoyle, Bayside, Donaghmede, Sutton, Howth

Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Paula Flood RYT 500 hours Hatha, Prenatal 087 2071530 Send Email Website
Dara Behan (nee Moylan) IHCA Dip Hatha & Ashtanga 087 6212131 Send Email Website
Deirdre Hopkins IYA 01 8343558 None None
Ruth Carson YTTC Teaching Diplom Hatha, General, Basi 085 7234310 None None
Patty Anderson IYA Dip Beg/Advanced 01 8391598 Send Email None
Colette Lee IYA Dip Post Grad Hatha / Meditation 087 6743580 Send Email None
Marie Mc Manus YTI DIP 01 8326065 None None

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Dublin 15 and Dublin 17 Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside Dublin Blanchardstown, Castleknock, Clonee, Clonsilla, Corduff, Mulhuddart


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Gráinne Ahearne YTTC Diploma Gentle and Flow 087 3214027 Send Email None
John Daly IHCA Tony Quinn 087 2253354 None None
Deirdre Geoghegan RYT 200 Vinyasa None None None
Harriet O’ Doherty Pregnancy None None None
Harriett O’Doherty IHCA member 083 89415 None None
Breda Tallon IYA Dip 01 6242842 Send Email None
Valerie Ward IHCA Tony Quinn 086 4053882 None None
Sarah Woolridge E-RYT 200 Vinyasa Flow, Pre Na 01 4404343 Send Email Website
Jakki Reid YTI DIP 01 820 5090 None None
Karen Murphy YTI DIP 086 8467045 None None
Annabel Smith Iyengar 01 6281646 Send Email None
Ray Butcher Yoga Alliance 200 ho Ashtanga 087 2290332 Send Email None
Shankari Johnston Sivananda & Youth Sivananda & Youth 085 8225924 Send Email None
Deirdre Graham Yoga Alliance Vinyasa Hatha Kids 087 9084003 Send Email None


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North County Dublin  Yoga classes

Dublin Yoga classes in Northside County Dublin Lusk, Skerries, Swords, Fingal, Malahide, Baldoyle, Donabate, Portmarnock, Balgriggan, Kilester


Mary AhernIHCA Tony Quinn 01 8312326NoneNone

Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Anna Bielawska Vinyasa yoga 085 7461324 Send Email None
Deborah Browne IHCA member 087 8156055 None None
Richie Cloake IHCA member 084 09500 and 087 2397849 None None
Maggie Dunne Hatha and pregnancy 085 8263366 Send Email None
Sue Ennis Iyengar 086 2860670 Send Email None
Aoife Espinosa Hatha yoga, children 086 3044702 Send Email None
Roisin Jinks Dip YTI Hatha and Prenatal Yoga 086 1752734 Send Email Website
Louise Fagan IHCA Tony Quinn Hatha yoga, Pregnan 087 9910747 Send Email None
Sandra Fearon YTI DIP 086 3489084 None None
Colette Ferguson IHCA member 087 2313258 None None
Suzanne Kenny Vinyasa flow, power 086 8453210 Send Email None
Paula Kirwan Viniyoga 087 9889103 Send Email Website
Michele Murphy Hatha yoga, pregnanc 087 9914218 Send Email None
Helen Plass Qualifications Preg Pregnancy Yoga, Baby 086 7728607 Send Email Website
Suzanne Quinn YTTC/Yoga Alliance D Ashtanga, Pregnancy, 087 6362745 Send Email None
Tara Russell Hatha 087 2547297 Send Email None
Soibelman, Tania RYT 200 Hatha None Send Email None
Deborah Weafer IHCA Tony Quinn 01 8312326 None None
Maria Wilde Hatha Yoga, Prenatal 086 1279394 Send Email None
Helen Plass Qualifications Preg Pregnancy Yoga, Baby 086 7728607 Send Email Website
Astrid Sasse Sivananda;RYT 500 Sivananda 085 7188643 Send Email Website
susan Farrell YTI Dip ’08 Hatha, Pregnancy, Se 087 213 5083 None None
Emer Coulter Post Grad YTI & IHC Hatha, Pregnancy 01 8406247 Send Email None
Mary Bond IHCA Tony Quinn 01 8494362 / 086 1081111 None None
Niamh Daly IHCA member 084 94692 None Website
Maria Wilde Hatha Yoga, Prenatal 086 1279394 Send Email None

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Other Dublin Yoga teachers who have not specified the Area in which they hold yoga classes in Dublin yet.

Other Yoga classes in Southside Dublin


Name Qualifications Types of Yoga Phone Email Website
Michelle Bradley IHCA Tony Quinn None Send Email None
Janet IYA Dip Beginners/Improvers 087 6892650 Send Email None
Kathleen Burrows County rep IYA 023 33781 None None
Angela Chapman IHCA member 084 80590 None Website
Chotiner, Cara E-RYT 500 None None None
Judith Crowe Yoga for pregnancy, 087 6811240 Send Email None
Fiona Daly YTTC Dub ’07 Hatha 086 2725816 Send Email Website
Aoife Delaney RYT 200 Vinyasa 087 6874606 Send Email None
Misa Derhy RYT 200 Hatha None None none
Tanya Fitzpatrick Hatha Yoga 01 2602694 Send Email None
Margaret Forde IHCA Tony Quinn, RYT 086 3446411 None None
Frankie Heaney Hatha 01 2826729 Send Email None
Ashling Hughes RYT 200 Ashtanga 086 1694400 Send Email None
Rita Keegan Iyengar 087 2804723 Send Email None
Susan Kelly IHCA member 086 8801683 None Website
Dorothy McGeeney 01 2895110 None None
Barbara McGuirk County rep IYA 083 04211 None None
Gillian Mooney 200hrs Yoga Alliance Ashtanga 087 2384335 Send Email None
Donnachadh O hEarcain IHCA member 083 17039 None None
Miriam Penney Ashtanga 01 2350410 087-2800542 Send Email None
Lisa Philips Yogaworks, RYT 200 Yogaworks 086 8536411 Send Email Website
Helena Podesta IHCA member 083 12326 None None
Cathy Whelan IYA Dip All levels 01 2885255 None None
Sandra Whelton IHCA member 087 2354727 None Website
Wilkinson, Lisa E-RYT 200 Vinyasa None None None
PURELY YOGA-Eike-Treanor Ashtanga Yoga with Y Ashtanga, Dynamic, P 086 8 215775 Send Email Website
Vyomananda Satyananda Yoga 086 8688 627 None None
Jenny Dolan IHCA member 01 2831188 None Website
Caragh Regan Hatha & Prenatal Yog 087 9877552 None None
Siobhan Woods IHCA member 086 1505355 None None
Lisa Burke YTTC Dip’05 & Yoga A Hatha & Kundallini 086 1723399 Send Email None
Beverley Elder Hatha, Gentle, Vinya 086 8581299 Send Email Website
Monica McGovern YTI Dip ’08. Yoga fo Hatha, Pregnancy, Ge 087 2986909 Send Email None
Tim-and-Genny Rice Dips from Irish heal Hatha, General, Raja 01 2352015 Send Email None
Mou sultana Completed initial 5 Ashtanga, Hot, Pregn 086 2541086 None Website
Bay Area Yoga YTTC Dip’08 250hrs-R Hatha, Pregnancy, Ge 087 6957496 Send Email None
Amrit-Kaur Eithna-Brooks Kundalini level 1 U Kundalini 00353 872858491 Send Email None
Nicholas Gent Hatha with Guruji P. Hatha, General, Basi 01 668 74 80 Send Email None


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