What is the difference London Leisure centre and a Burren Yoga holiday break?
I am sure that you are familiar with a London Leisure Centre and these can be great places to go to take a break from your everyday life, and also to take time to look after your health and fitness.
However, when you transport this experience to a remote yoga centre on the west coast of Ireland, where there are little or no people living in the surrounding area, where you are surrounded by Nature and spend time out in the surrounding countryside each day…. the benefits you receive are much deeper and longer lasting.
Our yoga holday breaks in the Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre on the West coast of Ireland range from very gentle yoga courses to very strong and energetic yogas courses.
To see Retreats for This Year, please click
Calendar of Upcoming Retreats
Click the button above to list all the upcoming retreats for this current year.
Then click on the blue title of this years’ Easter retreat, to see information about our upcoming Easter Retreat.
Then click the TABs at top of the page where you will see a full description of the retreat, prices, timetable of classes and activities and also photos from some previous retreats.
We also offer Gentle yoga and Healthy Detox courses, and also courses on Vegetarian cooking.
Wellness centre in Ireland
The best place to learn how to practicde yoga or to deepn your practice and to have a healthy fun activity holiday is in one of Ireland’s favourite centres for wellness and health.
Relaxation in Nature is like food for the soul
An important difference to time spent in a London Leisure centre is that as part of our yoga retreats, we organise outings each day into the Burren. An important aspect of these holidays is to enjoy the naturalness and unspoilt beauty of nature and to experience a deep relaxation which is nourishing to all levels of our being.
Satyananda says that
“Relaxation is essential in everyone’s life. It is a release of tension in both the mind and body for a period of time to allow complete rest and revitalization. This is the whole reason to sleep, but because of the tension filled lives that most people now lead in the daytime, sleep no longer refreshes us sufficiently.”
Relaxation is a state where the body and mind are in a state of rest. The parasympathetic system is activated and this helps many of the body’s systems and functions slow down.
Yoga is good for your health
Some of the effects that occur during relaxation within a yoga class are as follows;
- Heart rate slows
- Breathing rate deepens, slows and becomes rhythmical
- Blood pressure decreases
- Muscle tension reduces
- Vital organs and the body in general are replenished
There are many other physical affects, and these are usually accompanied by a pleasurable good feeling state.
The benefits of relaxation include
- Increased depth achieved during meditation
- Increased likelihood in experiencing psychic abilities
- Improved peace of mind
- Improved health and ultimately happiness
- Creative insights & breakthroughs
Techniques to relax for healing
Satyananda says “Modern man needs to know systematic techniques that specifically induce relaxation”.
Relaxation techniques start by taking your consciousness away from emotionally charged thoughts and directing it to activities that are emotionally neutral such as awareness of your breath or different parts of your body. It is almost impossible for anyone to remain or to become tense and angry when their attention is directed towards their big toe.
London Leisure centre holiday breaks or a weekend healthy holidays in Ireland?
The Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre offers over 40 weekend healthy holiday breaks each year.
There is a full list of upcoming retreats at Calendar of Yoga Retreats
Weekend wellness vacation yoga workshops
The Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre is the perfect place to practice yoga and to have a wellness relaxation break or wellness health holiday.
We are the only yoga wellness centre in Ireland to cater from Complete beginners to Advanced , to offer all forms of yoga, and provide over 40 quality residential courses all year round.
Opened in 1999, we ensure that we use only the most experienced and committed teachers on our yoga Retreats.
Yoga at a London Health club
Many yoga health clubs in London offer yoga classes, and these classes can be great inspiration and encouragement to maintain your own daily practice.
However, there is a lot to be said about spending a weekend or a week withion a yogic environment away from one’s everyday life.
To wake up each day and practice in the beautiful yoga room, followed by showerrs and breakfast, and then be taken on an organised outing inot the surrounding Nature brings one inot a very different place withion one’s mind, and one returns from such a break in much more refreshed way than emerging from a normal health club back inot the busy streets and usual city environment.
To read more about the time we spend in Nature places see Outdoors in the Burren.
To see a sample of the high quality of yoga teachers who teach here, please see International Teachers
And if you have never been here, then the short 5 minute video on the Burren Yoga Centre is worth seeing at RTE Nationwide Movie clip