The following accommodation providers are all part of Burren Ecotourism network and have all implemented measures to protect the environment and to run sustainable tourism in The Burren.
The Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre have been protecting the environment throughout the complete life cycle from copncept of the retreat centre, through building to running of the retreats since 1999.
Please see more about our Burren accommodation.
Rockyview Farmhouse, Fanore The proprietors Noel and Ita Walsh are organic gardeners and most of their produce is used in the preparation of breakfast, served daily.(Special diets catered for)
Clares Rock Hostel, Carron Clare’s Rock Hostel and private shared self-catering accommodation provide private ensuite rooms for groups, couples and families in a clean and comfortable environment.
EU Flower accommodation
Gregans Castel have applied for the EU flower accommodation award.
Gregan’s Castle EU Flower