By reduced fare taxi is fastest
This taxi journey takes approx. 50 minutes depending on traffic.
You need to book your own taxi with the driver preferably 48 hours before you arrive.
If anybody else has also booked this reduced fare taxi from Galway to the yoga centre, the taxi man will then team you up in order to share the taxi.
Please see TAB ‘Taxi Numbers’ at Contact – Getting Here for information on how to book your taxi and prices.
By bus to Gort and taxi from there
This can take 1 hour and 45 minutes depending on how long you have to wait for the next bus.
You may save a little money to take the bus from Galway to Gort (which is 6 miles from the centre) instead of the reduced fare taxi.
Please see Bus Eireann bus timetable (for number 51 bus) at Bus Eireann website
Get off the bus at the AIB Bank in Gort.
For Taxi numbers in Gort and prices, please see TAB ‘Taxi Numbers’ at
Bring driving directions with you
Please print out and bring the Driving Directions with you. These can be seen at the TAB Driving Directions at
Arrive early in Galway and explore
Galway city is a lovely small city cum town which has a small centre with a pedestrian zone which is very nice to explore.
At different times of year, there is often music on the streets, and it is beside the sea with nice walks nearby.
Lovely cafes and shops to explore.
There is a “left Luggage service” at the train station which is mentioned at “Galway Transport Information“