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Your Safety and Wellbeing is our top priority

 How we take care of you & our team

The wellbeing and safety of our guests and staff is our top priority.

Currently, in Ireland (1st Oct 2022), it is not mandatory to be vaccinated or to take an antigen test in order to book a hotel, guesthouse or yoga retreat. 

We are following these guidelines and it is not mandatory to be vaccinated or to take an antigen test to book one of our retreats.

We have hired new staff in order to increase and improve our already very high standards in cleanliness and sanitisation.

We are also following all the Government’s and Failte Ireland’s recommendations for hotels and guesthouses and we stay up to date with their guidelines.

Safety Charter Burren Yoga 1024

 Air Ventilation Systems


Most Covid experts advocate fresh air, and most businesses are opening windows as much as possible.  

We have gone above and beyond these recommendations by investing over €30,000 on 3 very large air ventilation systems in the new centre.

We are proud to be one of the first retreat centres in the world to provide this leading edge level of ventilation to help provide the safest environment possible.

 Large dining tables and ventilation

We have also invested in large round dining tables in our new spacious dining room. 

Our ventilation system sucks out stale air, and brings in fresh air on a continious 24/7 basis.

The combination of the large tables, spacious dining room and fresh air ventilation is to provide a very safe dining experience.

 Strictly controlled environment

The new centre is 3 times the size of the older centre and yet we are keeping the maximum number of guests to 18, so everybody has 3 times the amount of space.

We have a very strictly controlled environment.   

Many yoga studios in our cities and towns can have 50 or more new people coming in and out for classes each day, and we want to reassure you that we are in no way similar to these studios.

We are very different to hotels which often have over 100 guests staying at any one time, and many of them coming and going each day.

We have amaximum of 18 guests coming in each week.

Yet we conform to all the regulations and recommendations laid down for hotels and guest houses.

 All information on this page was pre-may 2022

 Flying in from abroad

Current Government guidelines must be followed

Please check Irish Government guidelines about travel into Ireland. 

Ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork that are required at the time that you plan to travel.


FFP3 facemasks 

We recommend that you wear a FFP3 facemask in the airport and also while onboard the plane.



We have taken a lot of care as well as investment to ensure that we provide a very safe environment.

The atmosphere is very friendly, relaxed, sociable and great fun.

We encourage everybody to have a great time, in a mindful way to ensure the safety of us all.

On top of the worls Abbey hill

 Are you considering dates to book?

Unplug. Let go of the external world. Experience the Silence